The lucky rat who got to go to the beach

Dina is 13 years old and loves animals. For several years she has had rats. When she was going to the beach, she took Vinnie with her. Vinnie the rat is 9 months old and sat on her head almost all the time. She went for a swim once but quickly returned to the safe place on top of the head of Dina.
No animals are "caged animals"
I get so happy when I see the love and the nice contact they have. We humans call some animals "caged animals". They never are. It is we humans who place animals in cages, and often force them to live their whole lives imprisoned. A cage can be a safe place to be, but all animals need movement and to use their senses.
Many do not dare to let go of the animal. If you have a "feel" for animals like Dina has, you know that the animal chooses to be with you. It must be the goal in all animal husbandry, that humans and animals want to be together.
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Greetings animal communicator Sissel Grana.